Many of the people in computer world are not familiar to this term, even though they are affected by its consequences. It is a day celebrated for open standard of documents. Every document or files should be solely owned by its creator or users not by the software vendor which owns the document format. This is the motto of Document Freedom Day.


You have perhaps noticed that an Excel application file created by 2000 or 2003 with extension (.xls) is not compatible with its later version 2007 with extension (.xlsx). This has definitely created problems for many users out there. The document freedom says that the format of file should be open and standardized irrespective of specific vendor. A user should be use a file even after decades despite upgradation of particular software. To make it short, there should not be one-to-one relationship between file format and software vendor.


Concluding Remarks


Document freedom is a must in this fast growing computer world. It breaks down the monopoly of some specific giant companies. For example: windows media audio & video (.wma & .wmv) are file formats popularized by Microsoft which forced other software vendors to be compatible with that format. In case of open standard, file format will be finalized by mutual agreement and it will not be property of any particular vendor.



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